
        The activities of the Company during this year (2000 - 2001) ended with a net profit of Rs.34.55 Lakhs. The Company has declared a dividend of Rs.30.00 Lakhs during the year on a paid up Share Capital of Rs.100.00 Lakhs. In the last four years, the Company has paid a total of Rs.110.00 Lakhs as dividend against Rs.100.00 Lakhs Share Capital.

        It would not be out of place to mention here that the Company has won accolades from all quarters viz., User Department, the press, the Government and the public in general regarding the quality of construction. In Keeping with the Company's expanding activities and to ensure that high standards of construction are maintained, the Company is in the process of getting I.S.O certificate in respect of Quality management.

        The Company has embarked upon a scheme to computerise the activities of Corporate Office and the Divisional Offices to develop full-fledged Management Information System in order to achieve the best results.